Submission Procedures for OLLI Members' Works of ART for the OLLI Website

Note; This page is still a work in process. Almost nothing on this page is in final form. As such, the contents of this page are likely to change on a moment's notice.

 General Requirements

  1. One submittal per member in each category allowed.  At the request of the member, products may be removed to make place for an alternate product.
  2. Member to sign authorization to publish on the OLLI website
  3. Products are original and in “final form,” this is not a file-sharing site for editing purposes.
  4. Limits on the digital volume of a product may be requested.
  5. This is not for commercial use.  Any product placed is free without charges and without links to other websites.


Poetry and Prose:

  1. Product to be submitted to the Publish Before You Perish class coordinators for review:
    1. Meet guidelines for CSUF publishing
    2. Grammar
    3. Format MS Word/Apple Pages
    4. Member to make suggested changes as appropriate and return to the committee before submission for approval
    5. Coordinators to convert to PDF format for uploading
    6. Member to provide authorization to publish
  2. Product to be submitted to EIP for final approval and linkage to the OLLI website.


Art/Photographs/Creative Art:

  1. Product to be submitted to the Curriculum Committee for review:
    1. Meet guidelines for CSUF
    2. Member to make suggested changes as appropriate and return to the committee before submission for approval
    3. Committee to convert to PDF format for uploading
    4. Member to provide authorization to publish
  2. Product to be submitted to EIP for final approval and linkage to the OLLI website.




  • Creative products submitted by OLLI members enter the public domain and they acknowledge that their creations are shared on-line and open to public view and access and the possibility of the product being copied and used elsewhere. 
  • There is no compensation provided to the member.
  • This is not for commercial use.  Any product placed is free without charges and without links to other websites.
  • Products are original and in “final form,” this is not a file-sharing site for editing purposes.


MEMBER NAME: ___________________________________________  DATE: _________________________


TELEPHONE NUMBER: ______________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:___________________________






SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________________



___________________________________________                    DATE:_____________________________

Representing  Curriculum Committee