Submission Procedures for OLLI Members' Works of ART for the OLLI Website
Note; This page is still a work in process. Almost nothing on this page is in final form. As such, the contents of this page are likely to change on a moment's notice.
General Requirements
- One submittal per member in each category allowed. At the request of the member, products may be removed to make place for an alternate product.
- Member to sign authorization to publish on the OLLI website
- Products are original and in “final form,” this is not a file-sharing site for editing purposes.
- Limits on the digital volume of a product may be requested.
- This is not for commercial use. Any product placed is free without charges and without links to other websites.
Poetry and Prose:
- Product to be submitted to the Publish Before You Perish class coordinators for review:
- Meet guidelines for CSUF publishing
- Grammar
- Format MS Word/Apple Pages
- Member to make suggested changes as appropriate and return to the committee before submission for approval
- Coordinators to convert to PDF format for uploading
- Member to provide authorization to publish
- Product to be submitted to EIP for final approval and linkage to the OLLI website.
Art/Photographs/Creative Art:
- Product to be submitted to the Curriculum Committee for review:
- Meet guidelines for CSUF
- Member to make suggested changes as appropriate and return to the committee before submission for approval
- Committee to convert to PDF format for uploading
- Member to provide authorization to publish
- Product to be submitted to EIP for final approval and linkage to the OLLI website.
- Creative products submitted by OLLI members enter the public domain and they acknowledge that their creations are shared on-line and open to public view and access and the possibility of the product being copied and used elsewhere.
- There is no compensation provided to the member.
- This is not for commercial use. Any product placed is free without charges and without links to other websites.
- Products are original and in “final form,” this is not a file-sharing site for editing purposes.
MEMBER NAME: ___________________________________________ DATE: _________________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER: ______________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:___________________________
SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________________
___________________________________________ DATE:_____________________________
Representing Curriculum Committee