OLLI Officers 2024-2025

Vickie Hite

Vickie Hite
  • Preside over all meetings of the membership, the Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees.
  • Function as the chief executive officer.
  • Implement decisions reached by the Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees
  • Report to the membership as is necessary to keep them informed.

Vice President Administration
Bob Kovacev

Bill Sampson
  • Act for the president in the president's absence.
  • Functional Policies and Procedures
  • Personnel
  • Office Support
  • Parking
  • OLLI Trolley
  • Historian

Vice President Programs
Sue Batie

Sue Batie

  • Curriculum Committee
  • Computer Education
  • TIR
  • Trips
  • Performing Arts Committee
  • Inter-Program Liaison
  • Room Scheduling
  • Instructor and Coordinator Training

Vice President Communication
Jim Di Tota

Chris Shaw

  • Internal Publicity
  • ChroniCLE
  • Blue Book
  • OLLI newsletters and other announcements
  • OLLI website
  • OLLI Facebook page
  • Electronic Bulletin Board (Shapiro)
  • OLLI Photo Resources

Vice President Membership
Debbie Maxwell

Debbie Maxwell

  • Membership Registration
  • Membership Orientation
  • Demographic Studies
  • Member Scholarships
  • Volunteer Recruitment/Recognition
  • Friendship Committee
  • Docents

Vice President External Relations
Bill Sampson

Bill Sampson

  • University Liaison Member
  • Research Studies, Grants, Awards
  • Speakers Bureau
  • OLLI-CSUF Collaboration
  • Long Range Planning
  • External Publicity & Relationships
  • Membership Recruitment

Vice President Facilities
Pete Saputo

Pete Saputo


  • Facilities Operation
  • Property Management
  • Kitchen

Vice President Technology
Paul Herrick

Paul Herrick

  • Audiovisual
  • OLLI/EIP AV Liaison
  • Classroom Support

Vice President Hospitality
Lisa Sewell

Lisa Sewell




  • General Meetings
  • Election
  • Social Meetings and Activities
  • Holidays, Dinners, Potluck, etc.

Renee Cabrera

Renee Cabrera


  • Prepare and distribute the minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board of Trustees, and general meetings of the membership.
  • Determine which board positions are up for election each year and report them to the board and membership.
  • Solicit applications for candidacy from OLLI members.

Ann Sparks

Ann Sparks

  • Approve the receipt and disbursement of OLLI funds and ensure that appropriate records of all such transactions are kept.
  • Chair a committee to prepare an annual OLLI budget for approval by the Board of Trustees at their April meeting.
  • Present at each regular meeting of the Board of Trustees a monthly financial statement for review by the board.
  • Arrange for publication of a year-end financial statement to be made available to all OLLI members.
  • Monitor the endowment fund created by and for the benefit of OLLI and report status to the Board of Trustees on a prescribed schedule.


Fran ColwellFran Colwell

Magge GilesMaggie Giles

Joanne HardyJoanne Hardy

Chris HeatonChris Heaton

MaryLouise HlavacMaryLouise Hlavac

Chris MilfordChris Milord

Jay MessnerJay Messner

Tony PackageTonyPackage



OLLI Past President

Mike StoverMike Stover



Phil BarnhardPhil Barnhard