Bridge: DuplicateCards

Every Monday • 9:15-noon • Shapiro CD

Fall Intersession:  December 9, (16, 23, 30 no class) • January 6, 13


Winter: January (20 no class), 27 • February 3, 10, 17, 24

• March 3, 10, 17, 24, (31 no class) •  April 7


Spring Intersession :  April 14, 21, 28 • May 5, 12


“Duplicate Bridge” is the oldest continuous CLE/OLLI course. We welcome all OLLI members to join us each Monday morning for a friendly and competitive game of bridge. Please arrive a few minutes early to make sure you and your partner can find a table for North/South or East/West, whichever is your preference. If you don’t have a partner, please contact one of the coordinators the week before. We will try, but can’t promise, to find you a partner.

Coordinators: Kent Burrell and Liz Burrell

Assistants: Dan Coby and Jeff Graham