Stuff! A Life Cycle

Alternate Thursdays • 10:15 a.m.-11:45 a.m. • Auditorium/Zoom/Stream-Rec

January 30 • February 13, 27 • March 13, 27 

Intersession: April 24 • May 8

Click here for the Live Stream link for this course.

Stuff. We have it, we love it, we hate it. So where does it come from?  How does it get to us? And where does it go when we send it “away”? We’ll examine the life cycle of “stuff”, as well as the cycle of our relationship with it, and see where it takes us … from memory lane to “everyday ecology” to a brush-up on sociology. Let's revisit our place in nature and how we are acting as a part of an ecosystem. We can be healthier, feel better, and save money.

Note: This classroom course is a companion piece to a series of special events outdoors with dates and times to be announced.

Night Light
January 30

Chain, Chain, Chain, Chain of … Food!
February 13

A Water World
February 27

Time (and) Change
March 13

Planet Power!
March 27

Fabrics, Fibers and Folly… oh, my! 
April 24

Dirty Decisions
May 8


Instructor/Coordinator: Maureen B. Latour      Tech Coordinator: TBD