Facebook 101


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Session 1: Monday,  10 a.m.-11:30 a.m.• Room 20/ Zoom

April 11

Session 2: Monday, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m.• Room 20/Zoom

April 18 (intersession) 

Click here to view the livestream

Pre-Registration Required:      Click here for the registration procedure.

Facebook is a popular social media application that helps you stay in touch with family and friends everywhere. This course assumes that you do not have a Facebook account. If you attend both classes, you will learn how to set up a Facebook account, adjust security and privacy settings, set up your profile, post updates, make new friends, find old friends, share experiences and more. In advance of the first class of “Facebook 101,” prepare by going to this link: http://bit.ly/facebookprep . You will receive more details via email after you pre-register. If you want further information about this course, contact Jim Cenname at 949-371-6535 or jimcenname@csu.fullerton.edu .

Instructor/Coordinator: Jim Cenname