Coordinator Job Description

(Version 3:  12/10/24 – compiled by SB, SH)

There are two categories of Coordinators, the Coordinator if the Instructor is an OLLI Member and the Coordinator if the Instructor is NOT a member of OLLI-CSUF.

Coordinator for a course when the Instructor is a member of OLLI-CSUF:

The responsibility of the Coordinator is to assist the Instructor, often including (for in-person classes) preparing and collecting the attendance sheets (and noting the number of Zoom attendees if applicable), passing around the microphone during class, cleaning up after class, and interacting with the OLLI office as needed. For Zoom-only classes, this often includes admitting members as an Alternative Host, posting class notes to the Zoom chat, spotlighting speakers, and—if requested—reporting the Zoom attendance to the OLLI office.

Coordinator for a course when the Instructor is a NOT a member of OLLI-CSUF:

In addition to assisting the Instructor as described above, the Coordinator must ensure that the course is run according to OLLI procedures. Additionally, the Coordinator should provide a warm, inviting welcome to the non-OLLI Member Instructor. If the course has a Zoom component, the Coordinator must create the Zoom meeting, provide the Zoom meeting number to VP Programs before the start of the semester, and arrange for someone to act as the Zoom meeting host.

If the Instructor needs to cancel a class, the Coordinator should send an email to