Google Slides Basics––WIX6 Google Slides

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Two Thursdays • 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. • Room 20

Session 3: March 15, 22

Pre-registration required—Lab Fee: $10

Google Slides is a Google app with functions nearly identical to those of Microsoft Office’s PowerPoint. While prior experience with MS PowerPoint will facilitate your learning to use Google Slides, those lacking prior experience may find Slides much easier to learn and use than Microsoft PowerPoint. Students completing this course should be able to: 1) use functions in Google Slides to create a basic presentation; 2) insert images and videos into a presentation; 3) add speaker notes to help with a presentation; 4) apply transitions to slides to make your presentations more interesting; 5) share your presentation with collaborators; and 6) create handouts of your presentations.

Register online at:

Instructors/Coordinators : Joyce Ono and Warren Wilson