Art Exhibitions on Screen


Alternate Weeks • Summer

Alternate Tuesdays • 2 p.m.-4 p.m. • Shapiro CD/Zoom

June 4, 18 • July 2, 16, 30

Click here for information about connecting to OLLI zoom classes. (OLLI members only)

Art Exhibitions are back again—with more great artists, great paintings and great guides! What could be a better way to learn? Come and join us on virtual visits to art exhibitions across the globe. This summer includes works from the mid-1600s through the 20th Century and highlights “Vermeer: the Greatest Exhibit.” High quality films from the “Exhibition on Screen” series will be shown. These exhibition-based art films originally ran in select theaters around the world. Film content usually focuses on a single artist, at a single exhibition, with relevant background and supporting works added. Art historians and exhibit curators lead the way. Gentle attention is given to key paintings.

Join in the open discussion after the film.

Please check the OLLI newsletters for the specific film to be shown at each class.

Instructor: Judy Alter     Coordinator: Sue Batie    

Tech Coordinators: Susan Hanna, Rick Hearn, Ginger Barnhart and
Joyce Ono